Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beware of Fake Wi-fi Networks in Starbucks!

I hate online hackers and 'phishers' who try and steal your credit card details. How would they like someone stealing their credit card and running up a $1000 bill at Walmart? And things are getting worse. Even coffeeshops aren't safe now!

I read an interesting article today about the increasingly common (and alarming!) trend of hackers setting up identical named wi-fi network accounts at coffee shops. These appear to be legitimate and collect your credit card details when you want to pay for your wireless access at the coffee shop. But they are actually fake and steal your credit card details! Its happening more at coffeeshops like Starbucks where you have to logon and pay for wireless access. Grrr.

My solutions? Either sign up and pay for your wireless account from home before you get to Starbucks, and just simply login when you get there. That way at least they don't get your credit card details if you fall for the scam!

Better yet. Don't even go to coffee shops like Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf where you have to pay for wireless internet! Go to one of your local neighborhood coffee shops, and chances are they will have free wireless - no need to even logon or put your credit card details in! And that way you support your local coffee shops too instead of the corporate coffee shops! ;)

Monday, March 26, 2007

20th Coffee Shop Review - Cream

20th New Review! Yep, its our 20th featured coffee shop in San Diego! And what a great coffee shop our 20th is! Cream coffee shop in University Heights really is one of the best I have been to in San Diego - definite 5 stars. Check out the review and let us know what you think!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Caffe Calabria

New Review! Our newest coffee shop review on is Caffe Calabria. This great coffee shop in North Park is for serious coffee lovers - they even roast their own beans! Take a look and let us know what you think.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Regret not saying hi to that cutie in the coffee shop?

Always find yourself wishing you would have talked to that cute guy or girl in the coffee shop or local bar? Worry no more!

Because for 'shy' people like you there is a new service in San Diego and other cities. It's called Kizmeet, and it allows 'missed connections' to try and find each other, just like the section on CraigsList. Its actually pretty good - they even have a san diego coffee shop section, which seems to be getting popular.

I'm sure chances are pretty slim of the other person reading the post, but I actually made a post on there recently to see if my 'missed connection' replies... so we shall see if she replies! Anyway, check it out!

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Pannikin

New Review! Here is our latest coffee shop review on - yep, we are keeping them coming! This time, its Pannikin coffee in La Jolla - its actually one of the oldest coffee shops in San Diego. website update too - its growing and evolving, particuarly the homepage. We are going to start really promoting soon and get some good traffic there. Plus look for the CoffeeShopCritic MySpace page coming very soon! As per usual, feel free to comment and give feedback!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

McDonalds Premium Coffee Review

McDonalds and premium coffee are two words that I would have never associated together. However, after McDonalds has sat and watch Starbucks take the world by storm with its premium coffee, they recently decided to launch their own premium coffee and get in on the action. So I decided to take the plunge and order myself something that I never thought I would order from McDonalds - premium coffee!

My McDonalds premium coffee review:
Well, considering the old McDonalds coffee tasted like scalding hot mud, it didn't really have to try that hard to get better. But I must say, I was pleasantly surprised - and this is coming from someone who drinks a lot of Starbucks and premium coffees in local coffee shops. It actually had a reasonable 'roasted' flavor to it, although it tasted a little watery still. And the main problem with McDonalds premium coffee? The fact that you can't actually drink it for 10/15 mins unless you have a heat resistant tongue. Yes, its that damn hot. It is much cheaper than Starbucks though - only $1.09 for 12 ounces (a Starbucks 'tall' size) - Starbucks charges $1.50-75 for the same size.

Overall, McDonalds premium coffee still doesn't compare to a good Starbucks Sumatra or Verona blend, but I personally thought it was better than the very over-rated Dunkin Donuts coffee, which seems to have got a cult following on the east coast. And its light years ahead of McDonalds old coffee, and that crap they serve for coffee in other fast food restaurants like Jack in the Box or Carls Jr. Good job Ronald - how about making all your burgers 'premium' too next ;)

Rating: 7/10 (i'm 'kinda' lovin' it I guess)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Living Room, La Jolla

New Review! Our newest coffee shop review is now up - this time we feature Living Room, La Jolla. Its one of about 5 of these coffee shops in the San Diego area. Its a little pricey there, but other than that, its a pretty good coffee shop! Let us know what you think.

Are you Kidding? Seen on Java Jones Bulletin Board

I had to do a double take on this one. I found the following notice posted on the bulletin board in Java Jones, Pacific Beach. Does anyone else think this is funny or is it just me...

We have lost our pet turtle. She is 25 pounds. Please return her - we miss her. Call 858 xxx xxxx.

Are they serious? I had a good mind to call them up and say try looking on your front porch! Just how far can a turtle get? Funniest thing I have seen in a while!

Anyone else got any 'Funny Bullet Board Posts' to beat that? Feel free to comment!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Kahve

New Review! I should be outside in this beautiful 80 degree weather, but nope, i have been doing the Kahve coffee shop review. Anyway, its a very unique coffee shop in Mission Beach and it actually has no 'inside' area. Check it out and let me us what you think!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Turquoise Coffee

New Review! Our latest coffee shop review to be added to is Turquoise Coffee in Pacific Beach. This is an appealing coffee shop that makes a good quiet alternative to the nearby often very busy but good coffee shop Java Jones. Check it out!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Find Starbucks Easier (as if its that hard anyway!)

Just in case you don't know which of the 5 local Starbucks coffee shops is closest to you, or if you don't want to dare risk drinking at a local coffee shop when you are travelling and just HAVE to find a Starbucks instead, then this is for you.

Our wonderful caffeine friends at Starbucks have introduced a cool way to find your nearest Starbucks by using a text message. Searchers simply include their zip code in a text sent to MYSBUX and a list of stores will be returned. Not bad eh?
Now whats my ZIP code again?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

New Featured Coffee Shop - Claire de Lune

New Review! Our third new review of the week - this time its the very popular and colorful Claire de Lune coffee shop in North Park! Check it out and let us know what you think.